Thousand Oaks Family Session

We always have the most amazing families in our photo sessions, and sometimes we get special ones that make us so thankful for being photographers. When Doug, Dee, and their two sweet girls, Sydney and Emma, arrived at our session, the girls were bouncing with excitement. We LOVE when the kids can’t wait to step in front of the camera! It makes everyone more comfortable. Kids have such an amazing gift to fill anywhere they are with joy. 

The girls were looking AMAZING in their adorable dresses and sweaters. They were even asking if they could have some individual shots taken, and they nailed them! Sydney was especially excited to have her individual photo taken. She told us she couldn’t wait to have it framed for her room! 😀

One of the sweetest moments of our session had to be when we asked the girls to take photos with their dad. They asked him to pick them up like princesses, and you could just watch them beam with pride when he lifted them into the air. How special for daughters to be so close to their father!

But our absolute favorite part of the session had to be the outfit change. Halfway through our time together, Dee asked us if we had time for an outfit change because they all brought matching Christmas PJs! Isn’t that just the cutest idea?! We are HUGE Christmas people so we loved getting into the season with this amazing family!

Doug and Dee, thank you so much for letting us capture your beautiful family! (Even Doug is beautiful as Sydney pointed out! 🙂 ) We had so much fun getting to know your precious daughters and witnessing your love for one another. We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and that you have as much fun as we did hanging out with you guys!