Rancho Sierra Senior Session

“In the next 2 years, I plan to graduate college, get married, and have 2 children,” declared Hannah with a straight face. Beau and I stared at her in silence for a few seconds, completely unsure of what to say, until a big grin spread across her face. 

Hannah has to be one of the most sarcastic and hilarious people we have ever met. She slides in the wittiest comments when you least expect it, like when you ask her what she is planning to do in this next season as she leaves high school and heads off to college in San Diego. After her witty reply, Hannah shared with us her true dream, which is to study International Relations and pursue something related to missions. She is deeply passionate about serving people in developing countries, like Uganda where she just returned from.

It was so fun to capture Hannah’s personality in her photos. She would randomly throw up a peace-sign or a thumbs up and then laugh at herself, which made for some great genuine smile shots! As we snapped photos, it was such a joy to talk with her about her future, the unknowns (like who her roommate will be), and the excitement to begin this new adventure away from home. 

Thank you, Hannah, for letting us capture your memories of this season. We hope that these photos allow you to reminisce on fond memories of high school, as well as savor the excitement that comes as you look ahead to college and all that God will teach you in this next stage of life. We cannot wait to see all that the Lord will do with your heart of service and passion for sharing your faith. We know that He has BIG things in store for you!