Springtime Family Session

It all started when a first-grade boy came home saying “I met an angel at school today.” That’s what Donny thought the first time he met Chelsea. These two met when they were just 7 years old in the first grade! They were close friends for years, attending the same elementary school, middle school, and high school. In high school, they began dating and then after attending college together, they got married. Truly a lifelong love story. How incredible would that be to share your life with your spouse starting at age 7? It really is something out of a movie!


Now, after being married almost 6 years, they have a beautiful 1-year-old son named Elijah. Elijah has to be one of the happiest, and most smiley toddlers we have ever met. He was eager and ready for every pose: walking, swinging, flying in the air, riding on dad’s shoulders, and snuggling in mom’s arms. Every time that Chelsea and Donny would lean in and kiss him on the cheeks, he would wrap his little arms around their necks and pull them in tight for more kisses over and over again. He just could not get enough! Meanwhile, his Auntie Ashleigh was behind us performing acrobatics with his stuffed bear to keep him giggling through the whole session. Chelsea would say “where’s Auntie Ash?!” And Eli would excitedly point to his Aunt, smiling proudly as she held his treasured polar bear.


Chelsea and Donny, your little family is just precious, and we had a blast hanging out with you, capturing your memories. We are so thankful for our renewed friendship and look forward to more meals and fun together (minus the medical emergencies!). Thank you for sharing Christ’s love with us through your joy and hospitality.